Mike Serovey - Business

This is Mike Serovey Enterprises' blog. YOU will find articles related to running a small or home-based business here as well as some of the personal thoughts and experiences of Mike Serovey as he builds his own business by helping others to build their businesses.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Advantages of Being a Broke Nobody

People such as Zig Ziglar and Tony Robins tell you that you need to set big goals and dream big if you want to be successful in life. They tell you that you pay the price for success only once but you pay the price for failure every day for the rest of your life. Maybe. I say that there are advantages to being a broke nobody! First, if you are dating you don't have to worry that the woman you are dating is only after your money because you don't have any money! That way, you know that she truly loves you for who you are, not what you have. Second, you don't have to worry about being kidnapped and held for ransom. If you are a broke nobody then no one will pay to get you back and kidnappers know this! They will not waste their time on you! Third, as a nobody you can travel anywhere you want any time that you want and not have to worry about being recognized or followed by the paparazzi! Forth, if you marry someone who does have money then you can come into a windfall. You have nothing to lose by marrying someone who has more money than you have! You also have the choice of marrying another broke nobody. Fifth, as a broke nobody people have much lower expectations. You don't have to worry about disappointing anyone and if you do succeed you will pleasantly surprise people!

Now, some people have said that you should try to get rich. If you don't like being rich you can always give your money away and go back to being broke. This is true as far as it goes. I have yet to find anyone who is willing to take my poverty away from me! And yes, even homeless people get robbed of what little that they do have. As for me personally, I have very little that can't be replaced. Mostly things of sentimental value. I am now at a cross road. Do I wish to continue being a broke nobody, or do I wish to finally do what it takes to become rich? I still haven't decided on this one. I will make another post when I have made a final decision.
