Mike Serovey - Business

This is Mike Serovey Enterprises' blog. YOU will find articles related to running a small or home-based business here as well as some of the personal thoughts and experiences of Mike Serovey as he builds his own business by helping others to build their businesses.

Friday, May 20, 2005

One Shot... One Kill!

One Shot... One Kill!

(c) by John Colanzi

Many marketers have compared the art of marketing to the art of
war. Some of the names used by marketers for their systems bears
this out.

Don't think so?

What do these programs bring to mind?

* Guerilla Marketing

* The Warriors

* Stealth Marketing

Looking at those names you know these guys mean business. So what
separates these successful marketers from the 95% who fail?

They're not smarter than the average marketer, but they do market
slightly different.

The vast majority of marketers are going to battle with a shot
gun. They have no clear cut target. They are closing their eyes,
pulling the trigger and hoping they hit something.

They may occasionally hit something, but sooner or latter they're
going to run out of ammunition. Unless they are extremely lucky,
their advertising budget will be spent with little or no sales to
show for their efforts.

The top marketers on the other hand, think like a sniper. They
know that they may only get one chance to close the sale. They
take careful aim and make every shot count.

They know their target.

So what do these snipers do?

The most important element in their arsenal is their targeted
list. They are masters of building and working their list.

By targeting their market they place the odds in their favor.

By making every shot count they have enough reserve funds to turn
around a losing offer and make it into a winner.

If you truly want to succeed, learn the difference between a
suspect, a prospect and a customer.

Put away that shot gun and make every shot count.

Start targeting your advertising campaigns and remember,
"One shot, one kill!"

Do that and you'll avoid being the next casualty.

Wishing You Success,

John Colanzi



Copyright (c) John Colanzi.

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