Mike Serovey - Business

This is Mike Serovey Enterprises' blog. YOU will find articles related to running a small or home-based business here as well as some of the personal thoughts and experiences of Mike Serovey as he builds his own business by helping others to build their businesses.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Marketing From The Inside Out

Marketing From The Inside Out
(c) by John Colanzi

Good old Archimedes said it best, "Give me a place to stand and I'll move the Earth".

Powerful statement.

He was talking about the lever, but there are all types of levers.

We live in a society that's lost sight of how everything is connected. We look at the trunk and mistake it for the elephant.

But if we just open our mind's eye and look at our world with a more open view, we can see how "Give me a place to stand", relates to succeeding at every endeavor we put our hands to.

Want to leave the rat race and succeed in your own business?

Find a place to stand.

Pick your vehicle.

I see marketers struggling over

* What really sells online?

* What is the best product to promote?

Forget about it.

1. Pick your place to stand.

2. Plant your feet.

3. Take your lever and move the Earth.

Your place to stand is any product or service that fits you. Stop wasting your time on the internal debate.

Are you ready to assure your success?

If you answered yes, here goes.

1. Find a product or service that excites you, gets your adrenaline pumping and makes your blood flow.

2. Make a decision.

The difference between winning and losing can be seen in how you make decisions.

Those that succeed reach decisions promptly and stick with them come hello there or high water.

Those who never succeed reach decisions slowly. They run for the hills the first time they have a set back.

3. Plant your feet and keep plugging until you've reached your goal.

It's that simple, but simple doesn't make it easy.

You can succeed at anything.

I know you can.

Wishing You Success,
John Colanzi

Copyright (c) John Colanzi.

John Colanzi uses the Plug-In Profit Site
to earn multiple streams of income from
home on the Internet. What about you?...



At 8:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad that you liked my post. I have no use for Hollywood make up secrets but wish you good luck with your site. I do try to keep my posts and comments real and helpful.

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Scott,

I was involved in Amway several times but quit because I had trouble sponsoring people and those I did never did anything. I have tried other MLM companies with the same results. I have come to the conclusion that MLM stands for Many Losing Money! It seems that only those who already have a large organization from another MLM or those who are gung ho enough to build one from scratch earn any real money in MLM. I don't have the patience for it. Good luck with your business venture.

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Mango,

Thanks for writing to my blog and for the compliment. I hope that your idea works out for you. You are right. residual or passive income is the secret to beating the clock. You will never become wealthy working for someone else or trading hours for dollars in your own business like doctors do. The trick is to do the work once and then get paid forever for it. Realistically, every website needs to be promoted somehow to get traffic and sales. However, once set up correctly, the promotions should take just a few hours a week for each site.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Ray,

It is OK not to agree with me or the authors of the articles that I post. Just because I post an article on this blog does not necesarrily mean that I agree 100% with the author. I MAY go back through these articles and post where I disagree with the authors in the commensts sections.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Health Information,

I looked at your sales page and noticed that it is very plain Jane. You have posted a list of about 1,000 links and no text to explain what each link is or what kind of item I will find when I click this link. Instead of the link saying "Catolog Item #1" or something like that change it to read something like "Model 1300 back brace" or "Get YOUR Gingko Biloba HERE for ONLY $19.99 a bottle". I hope that you get my drift here.

At 5:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dear who2244,

It is OK to post comments to my blog and plug your opportunity. I wish you good luck with your GDI .ws thing. I have looked at it several times before and I'm just not interested in it right now. But, I would appreciate it if you don't use my blog to make repetitive posts about your opportunity!


Mike Serovey

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Badger said...

As we reflect on the world as we know it, it serves us well to ponder the
words of wisdom of great minds. "I have never let my schooling interfere with
my education. " Mark Twain (1835-1910). Interested in new worlds? Two
organizations that are trying to help others meet the challenges of today are
Step13, an organization that helps
those with drug and alcohol dependency problems and
Rainbow Rewards, a community
based shopping rewards system. On the lighter side, don't miss
In Vino, Veritas, fun musings about
wine and food or Old worn
out saddles
, the life and times of a Montana cowboy from the early
1900's. Amazing people, our ancestors. On the business side, we've
started a new site where we help those with an interest in building your
best home based business for women. Please stop by
and let us know what you think.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Badger said...

As we reflect on the world as we know it, it serves us well to ponder the words of wisdom of great minds."I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." Mark Twain (1835-1910).
Interested in new worlds?
Two organizations that are trying to help others meet the challenges of today are
Step13, an organization that helps
those with drug and alcohol dependency problems and
Rainbow Rewards, a community based shopping rewards system. On the lighter side, don't miss In Vino, Veritas, fun musings about
wine and food or Old worn out saddles,
the life and times of a Montana cowboy from the early 1900's. Amazing people, our ancestors.
On the business side, we've
started a new site where we help those with an interest in building your best small business web site hosting. Please stop by.
Let us know what you think.


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